Wednesday 7 August 2013

Is a Good Diet and Exercise Plan For Weight Loss All You Really Need?

There are so many different diet and exercise plans all over the internet, TV and magazines, so losing weight should not be a such a big problem. Yes, a very big part of the diet and exercise plans may not work, but there should still be a lot of them out there that work. But still 95% of people are not losing weight permanently. So it seems that there is something that is more important that, then diet and exercise plan you are using.
Programming your mind is more important than any diet and exercise plan for weight loss
A big problem that most people have, is that their mind is not ready to succeed. You may have the best personal trainer helping you with the best dieting plans and exercise programs, but if you do not take action, then you obviously can´t succeed. People can´t take action because their subconscious mind is working against them.
Your mind has two components . the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the thinking , logical, analytical and rational part of the mind. so the conscious mind is constantly getting information from your 5 senses, analyzes them and then decides if the input is true or false. But the subconscious mind works differently. It does not analyze anything at all, it just acts automatically. For example you do not think about breathing or digestion, they happen automatically.
So the subconscious mind is basically a computer that makes decisions automatically and it does not care if the decision it makes, is good for you or bad for you. It just carries out the programming that you have entered in it yourself.
For people who always struggle with weight loss, changing the subconscious mind, so it helps you lose weight is really the key factor. The best way how you can do that is by repetition. Everything you hear, read and see affects your automatic actions. If you have a belief that exercise is bad and the chocolate cake is so good, then it is impossible to be successful. But if you repeat to yourself that, "exercise is excellent, it helps me lose weight so fast and that darn cake ruins everything all the time, it is not good for me at all." That is how you got to program your mind from negative to positive one step at a time.

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